Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Sleazy Bastards At Boston Scientific And Their Vaginal Mesh Scandal

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Briefly what these criminals did was bribe sleazy surgeons into using this vaginal mesh knowing that it was toxic and would cause major health problems. It was so bad that Chevron Corporation stopped selling it to Boston Scientific when they found out how deadly it was. Boston Scientific being the worst of the worst looked other vendors but no companies in the US would sell it to them. They turned to gangsters in China to get a similar but even more toxic material and they are now selling even more deadly mesh implants for sleazy surgeons to implant into unsuspecting women.

If this were still America and I were calling the shots, I would have FBI agents show up at Boston Scientific corporate office and arrest everyone from middle management on up. I would detain them indefinitely and interrogate them they way we interrogated terrorists at Gitmo. I would give enemy combatants the protection of the Geneva Convention. The Boston Scientific terrorists would be treated much differently. I would keep those fucker detained and torture them daily for as long as they survived.

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE 60 Minutes Expose

Here is what really will happen.  There may be some fines but the corporate gangsters who run Boston Scientific will get away with this without even a slap on the wrist. That's always how it goes. If you break the law on behalf of a corporation you won't be punished.

Leadership - Boston Scientific

Click the above link to see the names and faces of the corporate trash at Boston Scientific who have no problem with selling products that maim and kill women. 

Trump Wants To Bring Back Waterboarding

I think that maybe he is right and perhaps we should start with him and his crime family but instead of using water we should be using Russian hooker urine.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Birthers

Of all the sleazy bastards, the Birthers are among the sleaziest. What makes Birthers sleazier than most sleazy bastards is that Birthers didn't actually believe that President Obama was born in Kenya. It gets sleazier and slimier because even if they truly believed Obama was born in Kenya they knew his mother is was an American and therefore Barrack Obama is/was eligible to be President of the United States same as John McCain who was born in Panama and Ted Cruz who was born in Canada.

See the source image

Birthers are traitors and liars who should be hunted down like Nazis during the occupation and executed on the spot. Liar are worse than thieves because you can watch a thief but you can't watch a liar.

When you come across a birther bitch, punk that cock sucking dick licking shit eating pig. Ask that death deserving pedophile why they kept the lie going. If they lie destroy them.

There needs to be a bounty on birthers.