Friday, February 26, 2021

Rand Paul Is A Trans Bigot With A Micro Penis

A few years ago a neighbor was compelled to beat the shit out of you Rand. He probably had good reason. It's too bad he didn't break your lie

People liked your father even though he was a bit kooky. He seemed moral. 

Rand Paul is not only a racist, he's a transphobic bigot. He's evil even by Republican standards.

I chose abortion as the subject for this because most of the GOP needs to be aborted and to let you know that most pregnacies end in miscarriage and that your god is a baby killing machine. While were are on the subject of birth let's discuss birth defects. I will begin with yours. You are a Cluster B personality type and a sociopath. A brain scan will prove that.

Your latest ignorance and vitriol about gender shows your evil ignorance. I was not surprised. You and that other assholes Memet Oz and the Orange Asshole  said a bunch of stipid shit about COVID-19 and two of you cuaght it.  Reoublicans are catching the virus and dropping like flies. I'm hoping Trump will have more super spreading events.

Your ignorance about gender and gender dysphoria and the treatment is astounding even by Republican standards. There is no use trying the explain the genetics and biology to you.  How people deal with gender dysphoria is between them and their doctors. They don't need some dumb fuck like you who can't pass the medical board running their ignorant lie holes about a subject they can't understand. Maybe someone can explain the following to you.

THIS IS RAND PAUL'S gender condition:  Micropenis (also known as microphallus) – A penis that measures 3 inches (7.62 centimeters) or less in length when erect. It is a common condition, occurring in 1 in 200 men. Micropenis may be the result of undervirilization during fetal development or may be caused by an underlying intersex condition, such as mild androgen insensitivity syndrome, partial androgen insensitivity syndrome, or Klinefelter syndrome. It may also be considered a natural variation of penis size. While the majority of men have no issues with having a micropenis, some may opt to use a penile implant or undergo penile enlargement to increase the size of their penis.


47,XXY females - There are case reports of 47,XXY females; in some cases SRY or androgen receptor abnormalities are detected.[12]

47,XXY males – Klinefelter syndrome

 48, XXXX (also known as tetrasomy X, quadruple X, and XXXX syndrome) – A condition that describes a female with two extra X chromosomes. It is considered a variation of Triple X syndrome. Women with 48, XXXX may or may not have issues associated with the condition though most are developmentally delayed and only about 50% undergo puberty normally.

48, XXYY (also known as XXYY syndrome) – A condition that describes a male with one extra X chromosome and one extra Y chromosome. It occurs in 1 in 18,000 to 40,000 male births. 48, XXYY may result in infertility, low testosterone, and neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD or autism but some men have no issues.

49, XXXXX (also known as pentasomy X and XXXXX syndrome) – A condition that describes a female with three extra X chromosomes. It is considered a variant of Triple X syndrome. Women with 

49, XXXXX usually suffer from numerous health issues such as patent ductus arteriosus, scoliosis, kidney hypoplasia, and abnormal lobulation of the lungs. Physical deformities include microcephaly, micrognathia, and webbing of the neck.

49, XXXXY – A condition that describes a male with three extra X chromosomes. It is rare, occurring in 1 in 85,000 to 100,000 males. It is considered a variation of Klinefelter syndrome. Men with 49, XXXXY syndrome often suffer from mental retardation.

5α-reductase deficiency (also known as 5-ARD) - An autosomal recessive condition caused by a mutation of the 5-alpha reductase type 2 gene. It only affects people with Y chromosomes, namely genetic males. People with this condition are fertile, with the ability to father children, but may be raised as females due to ambiguous or feminized genitalia.

17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency – A condition characterized by impaired androgen and estrogen synthesis in males and females, respectively. Results in pseudohermaphroditism/undervirilization in males and in excessive virilization of adult females.

Androgen insensitivity syndrome (also known as AIS) – A condition which affects a genetic male's virilization. A person with androgen insensitivity syndrome produces androgens and testosterone but their body does not recognize it, either partially or completely. Mild androgen insensitivity syndrome generally causes no developmental issues and people with this form are raised as males. Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome results in ambiguous genitalia and there is no consensus regarding whether to raise a child with this form as male or female. Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome causes a genetic male to have a vagina (often incompletely developed, nearly always blind-ending), breasts, and a clitoris and people with this form are raised as females.

Aphallia – A rare occurrence where a male is born without a penis or where a female is born without a clitoris. As of 2005, only 75 cases of aphallia have been documented.[16] It should not be confused with intentional or accidental amputation of the genitalia.

Aposthia - A congenital defect where a male is born without a foreskin.

Aromatase deficiency – A disorder in which, in females, is characterized by androgen excess and estrogen deficiency, and can result in inappropriate virilization, though without pseudohermaphroditism (i.e., genitals are phenotypically appropriate) (with the exception of the possible incidence of clitoromegaly). Aromatase deficiency can also be caused by mutations in P450 oxidoreductase gene.[17]

Aromatase excess syndrome (also known as familial hyperestrogenism) - A condition that causes excessive estrogen production, resulting in feminization without pseudohermaphroditism (i.e., male genitalia at birth and female secondary sexual characteristics at puberty) in males and hyperfeminization in females.

Campomelic dysplasia – a condition caused by de novo autosomal dominant mutations in the SOX9 gene, causing bowing of the limbs, sex reversal in around two thirds of 46,XY males (but not in 46,XX females), and respiratory insufficiency. While in roughly 95% of cases, death occurs in the neonatal period due to respiratory distress, those that live past infancy typically survive to become adults.

Clitoromegaly – A clitoris that is considered larger than average. While clitoromegaly may be a symptom of an intersex condition, it may also be considered a normal variation in clitoris size. Clitoromegaly causes no health issues. Surgical reduction of the clitoris or its complete removal may be performed to normalize the appearance of the genitalia. While female genital mutilation is outlawed in many countries, reduction or the removal of the clitoris in cases of clitoromegaly are generally exempt, despite the fact that it is a nontherapeutic and sexually damaging surgery. Clitoromegaly may also be caused by females using testosterone or anabolic steroids for purposes related to female to male gender transition or bodybuilding.

Combined 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency – A condition in which presents as a combination of the symptoms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and isolated 17,20-lyase deficiency. See those two conditions for more information.

Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (also known as CAIS) – A condition which completely affects a genetic male's ability to recognize androgens. It is considered a form of androgen insensitivity syndrome and is the most severe form. People with complete androgen insensitivity are raised as females and usually do not discover they are genetic males until they experience amenorrhoea in their late teens or they need medical intervention due to a hernia caused by their undescended testes. Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome results in a genetic male having a vagina, clitoris, and breasts which are capable of breastfeeding. However, they will not have ovaries or a uterus. Because they do not have ovaries or sufficiently developed testicles, people with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome are infertile.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (also known as CAH) – A condition that causes excessive androgen production, which causes excessive virilization. It is most problematic in genetic females, where severe virilization can result in her having vaginal agenesis (absence of vagina) and a functional penis which is capable of penetrative intercourse. Females with this condition are usually fertile, with the ability to become pregnant and give birth. The salt-wasting variety of this condition is fatal in infants if left untreated.

De la Chapelle syndrome (also known as XX male syndrome) – a condition where a genetically female 46,XX individual is phenotypically male, usually caused by atypical chromosomal crossover of the Y chromosome's SRY gene. XX males are shorter and weigh less than XY males, may have genital ambiguities, usually have small testes, and are universally sterile.

Denys–Drash syndrome and the related Frasier syndrome - similar rare conditions arising from de novo autosomal dominant mutations in the WT1 gene, causing symptoms ranging from undervirilization to complete sex reversal with persistent Müllerian ducts in affected 46,XY males (but not in 46,XX females). The disorders are invariably fatal before the age of 15, causing kidney failure due to nephrotic syndrome.

Diphallia (also known as penile duplication, diphallic terata, and diphallasparatus) – A condition where a male is born with two penises. It's extremely rare, with only 100 cases being recorded since 1609 and an occurrence rate of 1 in 5,500,000 in the United States. The penises may be side by side or one on top of the other, being of equal size or with one penis being distinctively larger than the other, and both penises may be suitable for urination and intercourse. Men with diphallia may be sterile.

Estrogen insensitivity syndrome (EIS) – The estrogen counterpart to androgen insensitivity syndrome. Extremely rare, with only one verified case having been reported; a biological male presented with tall stature, a heightened risk of osteoporosis, and sterility.

Gonadal Dysgenesis – is any congenital developmental disorder of the reproductive system characterized by a progressive loss of primordial germ cells on the developing gonads of an embryo.

Isolated 17,20-lyase deficiency – A condition that is characterized by either partial or complete inability to produce androgens and estrogens.[19] Results in partial or complete feminization and undervirilization in males and in a delayed, reduced, or absent puberty in both sexes, in turn causing sexual infantilism and infertility, among other symptoms.

Klinefelter syndrome (also known as 47, XXY and XXY syndrome) – A condition that describes a male born with at least one extra X chromosome. Though the most common variation is 47, XXY, a man may also be 48, XXXY or 49, XXXXY. It is a common occurrence, affecting 1 in 500 to 1,000 men.[20] While some men may have no issues related to the syndrome, some may experience gynecomastia, micropenis, cognitive difficulties, hypogonadism, reduced fertility/infertility, and/or little or no facial hair. Testosterone therapy may be pursued by men who desire a more masculine appearance and those with gynecomastia may opt to undergo a reduction mammoplasty. Men who wish to father children may be able to do so with the help of IVF.

Leydig cell hypoplasia - A condition solely affecting biological males which is characterized by partial or complete inactivation of the luteinizing hormone receptor, resulting in stymied androgen production. Patients may present at birth with a fully female phenotype, ambiguous genitalia, or only mild genital defects such as micropenis and hypospadias. Upon puberty, sexual development is either impaired or fully absent.
THIS IS RAND PAUL'S gender condition:  Micropenis (also known as microphallus) – A penis that measures 3 inches (7.62 centimeters) or less in length when erect. It is a common condition, occurring in 1 in 200 men. Micropenis may be the result of undervirilization during fetal development or may be caused by an underlying intersex condition, such as mild androgen insensitivity syndrome, partial androgen insensitivity syndrome, or Klinefelter syndrome. It may also be considered a natural variation of penis size. While the majority of men have no issues with having a micropenis, some may opt to use a penile implant or undergo penile enlargement to increase the size of their penis.

 Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia – An endocrine disorder that arises from defects in the earliest stages of steroid hormone synthesis: the transport of cholesterol into the mitochondria and the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone—the first step in the synthesis of all steroid hormones.

Mild androgen insensitivity syndrome (also known as MAIS) – A condition which mildly affects a genetic male's ability to recognize androgens. It is considered a form of androgen insensitivity syndrome and is considered the least severe form. While men generally do not need any specialized medical care related to this form, mild androgen insensitivity syndrome may result in gynecomastia and hypospadias. Neither gynecomastia nor hypospadias require surgical intervention or adversely affect a man's health though some men may opt to undergo surgery to remove their breasts and/or repair their hypospadias. Men with mild androgen insensitivity syndrome may have reduced fertility.

Mixed gonadal dysgenesis – is a condition of unusual and asymmetrical gonadal development leading to an unassigned sex differentiation. A number of differences have been reported in the karyotype, most commonly a mosaicism 45,X/ 46, XY.

Ovotesticular disorder (also called true hermaphroditism) – A condition where an individual has both testicular and ovary tissue.

Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (also known as PAIS) – A condition which partially affects a genetic male's ability to recognize androgens. It is considered a form of androgen insensitivity syndrome and while it is not as severe as complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, it is more severe than mild androgen insensitivity syndrome. Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome causes major problems with gender assignment because it causes ambiguous genitalia such as a micropenis or clitoromegaly in addition to breast development. People with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome who are assigned as males may undergo testosterone therapy to virilize their body while those who are assigned as females may undergo a surgical reduction of the clitoris and/ or estrogen therapy.

Penoscrotal transposition
    Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome A condition where Fallopian tubes, uterus, or the upper part of the vagina are present in an otherwise normal male.

Pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias (also known as PPSH) – A form of ambiguous genitalia which results in a phallic structure that is smaller than a penis but larger than a clitoris, a chordee, hypospadias, and a shallow vagina.

Swyer Syndrome (Also known as Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis or XY gonadal dysgenesis) is a type of hypogonadism in a person whose karyotype is 46,XY. The person is externally female with streak gonads, and left untreated, will not experience puberty. Such gonads are typically surgically removed (as they have a significant risk of developing tumors) and a typical medical treatment would include hormone replacement therapy with female hormones.

Triple X syndrome – A condition that describes a female born with an extra X chromosome, making her karotype 47, XXX. It is a common occurrence, affecting 1 in 1,000 females.[23] It generally causes no health issues or abnormal development.

Turner syndrome (also known as Ullrich-Turner syndrome and gonadal dysgenesis) – A condition that describes a female born with only one X chromosome or with an abnormal X chromosome, making her karotype 45, XO. It occurs in 1 in 2,000 to 5,000 females. Turner syndrome causes numerous health and development problems, including but not limited to short stature, lymphedema, infertility, webbed neck, coarctation of the aorta, ADHD, amenorrhoea, and obesity.

Uterus didelphys (also known as double uterus) – A condition where a female is born with two uteri. It is often accompanied by two vaginas. It is generally not considered a health issue and women with uterus didelphys usually have normal sex lives and pregnancies.[24]

Müllerian agenesis (also known as MRKH or Vaginal Agenesis) – A condition that causes the uterus and other reproductive organs in a 46,XX female to be small or absent, as well as the vaginal canal itself. It affects 1 out of 4,500 to 5,000 females and can also come with skeletal or endocrine system issues at conception.

America and Kentucky would be better off if you would step down.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

God Approves of Abortion


God is a baby killer. God kills babies in the womb. The Bible approves of abortion. Read what scripture say about abortion.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Joni Ernst An Evil Criminal Pig

Like most Republicans Joni Ernst is a scandal ridden lying pig whore. This pig voted to acquit Trump. Call flood this filthy lying traidtorous cunt and tell her to turn herself in.

Please include your full name and address to receive a written response. Constituent Information. Prefix: *.Email Joni · ‎Office Locations



Like most other Republicans Joni Ernst is a thieving whore.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Traitorous Punk Josh Hawley To Meet A Firing Squad


OpEd: We have firing squads for a reason. Traitorous punk Josh Hawley knew the election was not rigged but like other Republican scum he pretended to believe it was in order to appeal to the trash in Missouri. That's what traitorous punks do and this is why moral nations kill traitors. The GOP is infested with traitors and the only cures for treason is prison and death. 

While it is doubtful it Hawley and his co conspirators will face a trial let alone a firing squad, We the People can hound him for all his days and force him out of the country. Like other Republicans, Hawley is probably mobbed up with gangsters far above him for which he serves as their errand boy.

Missouri is called the show me state but with its dangerously depraved electorate and it corrupt prick licking politicians Missouri is now the blow me state. Missouri needs to be severely punished for electing trash like Josh Hawley. Let's hope COVID-19 and tornadoes play a role.

If it were a judge, I would sentence Josh Hawley to death by firing squad and I'd have the squad use BB guns so that it would take days.

Related: North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn deserves execution by firing squad.

  • Josh Hawley made clenched-fist salute to pro-Trump mob ...

    Sen. Josh Hawley is being branded a traitor for his clinched-fist salute to President Donald Trump 's supporters before they stormed the U.S. Capitol Building Wednesday afternoon.

  • How Josh Hawley's political ploy backfired massively ...

    Josh Hawley looked like he had seen a ghost. It was more than a little ironic then that the man who let the genie out of the bottle was suddenly condemning what that genie did.

  • Twitter Users Mock Josh Hawley After He Loses Book Deal ...

    — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) January 7, 2021 But while Hawley has an extensive legal background, many Twitter users pointed out that his angry, spiteful tweet suggested he had little understanding about the First Amendment, which applies to restrictions by the government, not from private businesses.

  • THE BEEZEWAX: Josh Hawley is a Criminal, Traitor and Asshole

    Josh Hawley 

  • WASHINGTON — One of his most important early backers now says supporting him "was the worst mistake I ever made in my life" and a top donor called for him to be censured by the Senate.

    That's just some of the condemnation that's come Sen. Josh Hawley's way since the Missouri Republican became the first senator to announce he would object to the counting of Electoral College votes and then moved forward with his plan even after a pro-President Donald Trump mob had stormed the Capitol on Wednesday.

    The largest newspapers in his home state called on him to resign. His publisher canceled its contract with him for an upcoming book. He's been pilloried by both Democrats and Republicans for leading the futile objection effort.

    And a viral photo of Hawley entering the Capitol before the riot, showing the senator in a slim-fitting suit, hair perfectly coiffed and raising his fist toward the gathered crowd, has already become a lasting image of a day that won't soon be forgotten.

    "It was like a Dukakis-on-the-tank moment," one Republican strategist told NBC News in reference to a famous attack ad on the 1988 Democratic presidential nominee, "in that he just looked phony and out of place and like a doofus."

    At 41, Hawley is the youngest sitting senator and is thought of as a possible 2024 Republican presidential candidate. Since his election to the Senate in 2018, he's carved out a space for himself as the leading Republican critic of the tech giants — a policy area that had generated him a substantial following and coverage in the press. That's now been overshadowed by his objection effort.

    Following the riot, Hawley condemned the violence at the Capitol and said he was simply objecting to the electors to give voice to his constituents in Missouri, a state that went to Trump by 15 points in 2020.

    "I don't think blaming him for what the right person to point the finger at," a senior Republican aide told NBC News. "I think Trump was the one at the rally right before, firing everyone up. Trump is the one who's been doing all this for weeks, since the election. He's been getting everyone fired up, and I think the reason Sen. Hawley did what he did was pressure from his constituents."

    Yet Hawley's counterpart, Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., was not among the handful of Republicans to make any objections. Nor were others from states where Trump won resounding victories in November, like Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., who condemned the effort. Congress ultimately counted President-elect Joe Biden's electors, setting the stage for his inauguration later this month.

    "I mean, did he have to do that?" the aide asked of Hawley. "That's up for debate."

    Image: Michael Dukakis (Michael E. Samojeden / AP)
    Image: Michael Dukakis (Michael E. Samojeden / AP)

    Before any violence took place at the Capitol, Hawley was under fire from colleagues, whether it'd be the likes of Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., who told MSNBC last week she believed his effort "borders on sedition or treason" or Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah., who said the objections were simply an act to "enhance the political ambitions of some," alluding to possible 2024 presidential aspirations.

    Speaking on the Senate floor after the riot, Hawley said violence will "not be tolerated" but an investigation into claims of voter fraud was necessary.

    There has not been any evidence presented of widespread voter fraud that would affect elections in any of the swing states Trump lost, and the belief that there was such fraud has taken root among Republican voters with the president and others having promoted them.

    Hawley specifically objected to Pennsylvania's electors because he believed a 2019 law expanding mail-in voting there violated the state constitution. Yet, as Sens. Bob Casey, D-Pa., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said in defending the state's election, such constitutional objections to the law — which was passed by a Republican-controlled legislature — only came about after Trump lost.

    "We witnessed today the damage that can result when men in power and responsibility refuse to acknowledge the truth," Toomey said. "We saw bloodshed because a demagogue chose to spread falsehoods, and sew distrust of his own fellow Americans. Let's not abet such deception. Let's reject this motion."

    Hawley "is talking about Pennsylvania because he wants to come here & run for President some day," Rep. Conor Lamb, D-Pa., tweeted. "The lies he told inspired today's violence. He is still telling those lies. Pennsylvania will never forget."

    Rick Tyler, who was communications director for Sen. Ted Cruz's 2016 campaign (the Texas senator led his own objection to the electoral results), said the criticism coming Hawley's way is "well deserved."

    "Members of Congress do have a right to challenge electors but doing so must be carefully weighed against substantial evidence of malfeasance," Tyler said. "In Sen. Hawley's case, no such evidence existed to suggest the electors were not legitimate. It is not good enough to say you are representing the voters who believe the election was rigged when that assertion was based on lies and conspiracies that were thoroughly disproven by election officials, recounts, court cases and absence of credible evidence."

    "Sen. Hawley’s job was to represent the truth," he added. "Instead, he chose to go along with the president and others, namely Senator Cruz, to incite an insurrection."

    Amid Hawley's objections, comments he made during the president's impeachment trial last year began to resurface. At the time, Hawley said impeachment amounted to "overturning a democratic election because you don't like the result, because you believe that that election was somehow corrupted, when, in fact, the evidence shows that it was not." He called it "crazy, frankly."

    Hawley's ascension in GOP politics has been swift. He was elected to the Senate less than two years into his first term as Missouri attorney general, the first elected office he held. He was not someone who dominated headlines then, though he did draw attention for blaming human trafficking on the sexual revolution of the late 1960s.

    The senator holds establishment credentials, having earned degrees from Stanford and Yale, where he attended law school, and having clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, which is where he met his future wife, Erin Morrow, herself a fellow Roberts clerk.

    In the days since his formal objection, the outrage aimed at him has snowballed, though it remains to be seen how this will affect his standing with Republican voters.

    "Supporting Josh and trying so hard to get him elected to the Senate was the worst mistake I ever made in my life," former Sen. John Danforth, R-Mo., and a mentor to the senator, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Thursday. "It is very dangerous to America to continue pushing this idea that government doesn't work and that voting was fraudulent."

    Soon after that remark, Simon & Schuster, which was set to publish his upcoming book "The Tyranny of Big Tech," announced it was canceling its contract with Hawley, pointing to the "deadly insurrection."

    Additionally, an increasing number of congressional Democrats have called for his immediate resignation while Biden said Hawley and Cruz were perpetuating "the big lie."

    Hawley has hit back at critics, blasting what he deemed a "woke mob" at the book publisher and saying Biden's remarks were "undignified, immature and intemperate."

    His office did not return a request for comment from NBC News on the blowback to his efforts. But in a statement to Missouri TV outlet KSDK, Hawley said he "will never apologize for giving voice to the millions of Missourians and Americans who have concerns about the integrity of our elections."

    Zack Roday, a former senior House Republican aide and spokesman for former House Speaker Paul Ryan's campaign, said some show of contrition could be beneficial for Hawley.

    "Admitting he chose the wrong or, at best, flawed course to voice his election concerns would be a sign of character, confidence and ultimately strength," Roday said.

    Matt Mackowiak, a Republican strategist, told NBC News he thinks it's "a stretch to call a procedural objection as a senator to be 'incitement.'"

    "But he should have ended his objection to the electors after what happened," he added. "He will likely be ineffective in the Senate now, at least for a while. It’s a shame because he's impressive and courageous. But who knows where things are headed right now?"

    My Pillow Guy Is A Sleazy Bastard


    Boycott My Pillow. Mike Lindell Is A Scumbag

     Here are the facts. The My Pillow guy is crooked bastard and his products are horrible and his advertising is deceptive. AND he's a Trumper.

  • My Pillow Creator Michael Lindell Threatens CNN with Legal ...

    Sep 09, 2020 · U.S. CNN Anderson Cooper Michael Lindell, the chair of President Donald Trump's reelection campaign in Minnesota and famous as the creator of My Pillow, …

  • The Untold Truth Of The MyPillow Guy's Ex-Wife

    May 07, 2020 · Mike Lindell's disastrous love life didn't start with his failed marriage to Dallas Yocum. The MyPillow guy — who was called "boring" by his runaway bride, and who's worth a …

  • MyPillow inventor defends advertising methods after ...

    Jan 05, 2017 · The CEO and inventor of MyPillow is defending his advertising methods after the Better Business Bureau (BBB) dropped the pillow maker’s company rating from an A+ to an F and revoked its...

  • MyPillow CEO Goes Off On CNN As He’s Grilled On Hawking ...

    Aug 18, 2020 · MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell on Tuesday went off on CNN’s Anderson Cooper as he vehemently defended pushing the use of oleandrin, an unproven COVID-19 therapeutic. On Monday, Lindell confirmed to CNN...

  • Top responses
    See all images
    The advertisements for the My Pillow claim it is the number one pillow recommended by the National Sleep Foundation. Of course it is. The only products recommended by the National Sleep Foundation are the My Pillow products and that is because the National Sleep...
    View full review

    Waste of money

    Ordered both pillows to try and just a big diss appointment ,don't waste your moneyl Great commercial worked for me ....feels like your sleeping on cut of foam scrap parts left over from something else .

    No money back

    They say 60 day money back guarantee. That's a lie. You have to pay to send it back. They do not have free returns. Also we ordered the mattress topper in the summer and they have a note on the purchase saying that. When we tried to return it they said no. After complaining they let us exchange it but we had to pay around $50 to return it. It was never even opened. Our daughter did not want it. Already got a new mattress plus. They do not offer any discounts at all. They obviously raise the price than discount it. Smart marketing but dishonest.

    User's recommendation: Do not buy anything from them.

    I'm trying to cancel my order #166407 and once after waiting on the phone for 25 minutes I was disconnected and once they couldn't find my order

    I realized I could buy the pillow I ordered on Amazon and wouldn't have to pay for shipping. On a $20 order $11 for shipping makes no sense. Now I can't reach anybody to cancel. Yes, I am frustrated.

    Save your money

    Over priced, over hyped. It is just a pillow filled with chunks of lumpy foam. The price of these pillows boarders on extortion. It most likely cost less than a dollar to make one of these. The "sleep" foundation that endorses them, is a company started by the My Pillow guy and only rates his pillow.. Also, he claims to be a sleep expert. OK me too ! and I say these are crap.

    User's recommendation: run, do not walk away, before you sucked in by this guy.

    Poor quality expensive

    I spent 89.00 for the same pillow selling for 29.00 now. I have to laugh when he tells you that it took him 2 years to invent this pillow all you get is pillow case stuff with shredded foam

    User's recommendation: skip this con artist and check reviews all 1 star ratings.

    MyPillow - Terrible customer service, defective product
    I bought My Pillow towels. They are wonderful towels, but after using them, two of the washcloths started to unravel at the edges. I asked Customer Service to replace them. The reply was that I would have to send back, at my expense, the entire set of towels and they'd...
    View full review

    Review of pillow

    overpriced and not as advertised. Don't waste your money....

    User's recommendation: By a pillow at wallmart for a fraction of the price and better quality.

    My wife and I appear to have a bad reaction to sleeping with the topper; it feels like rug burn in my sides which Is how I sleep and she reports her buttocks burn; is there an unknown chemical

    Are the toppers treated with any type cleaning substance which could cause a chemical burn to our bodies?
    I went through all the hassle to find which of the pillows was the 'right fit'. I heard that there was a sale on, so I thought why not try it. When I have only been getting an hour or two of sleep a night in the past 5 years, and they are so expensive they should work,...



    User's recommendation: DONT BUY.

    Read all 268 reviews.

  • MyPillow Lays Off 150 Workers Months After CEO Mike ...

    May 11, 2019 · MyPillow is laying off about 150 workers, according to a statement from CEO Mike Lindell. Lindell has been a vocal supporter of Trump, and …

    • Occupation: Reporter
  • MyPillow CEO speaks at 'Stop the Steal' rally, accuses Fox ...

    Dec 13, 2020 · MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has accused Fox Newsof trying to overthrow Donald Trumpand claimed they were 'in on it' as he repeated the president's claims that the Democrats were trying to 'steal' the...

  • The Truth About The MyPillow Commercial Guy

    Aug 20, 2018 · It says it right there on the Guinness World Records website: On May 18, 2018, the largest-ever pillow fight rocked Minneapolis, with thousands of participants flooding the …

  • 8 things about the MyPillow guy ... - The Kansas City Star

    Apr 04, 2018 · Politics can make strange bedfellows, and Mike Lindell, the guy who founded MyPillow, is getting a taste of that this week. Lindell is the target of an online pillow fight after refusing to join...

  • MyPillow gets rude awakening with $1M suit settlement ...

    Nov 02, 2016 · MyPillow Inc., the Chaska-based pillow manufacturer, agreed to pay about $1 million in civil penalties to settle a deceptive ad case brought by prosecutors in nine California counties. The …

  • Michael Lindell, MyPillow Inventor: 5 Fast Facts |
      1. The BBB Revoked Its Accreditation Over MyPillow’s Never-Ending BOGO …
      2. MyPillow Claimed its Pillows Could Treat & Cure Sleep Apnea, Restless Leg …
      3. Lindell Fought a Cocaine Addiction & Says He Asked God to ‘Take Away My …
      4. Lindell Is a Big Donald Trump Supporter & Attended Trump’s New York Victory …