On his apocalyptic
TruNews programme, captured by
Right Wing Watch, Mr Wiles said the president's
impeachment or "however he leaves" office will inspire "veterans, cowboys, mountain men" and "guys that know how to fight" to bring "violence to America" by hunting down Mr Trump's political enemies.
Co-host Edward Szall said "once the blood starts flowing, it's near impossible to stop".
Mr Wiles' threat follows an impeachment probe into the president's possible abuses of power in his dealings with Ukraine, as well as multiple witness testimonies that have contradicted Mr Trump's denial of wrongdoing.
The impeachment investigation has ignited a firestorm of protest among Republicans, who stormed into a committee hearing on Wednesday to demand that the impeachment process be "public".
Forty-seven Republicans currently serve in those investigative committees alongside Democrats.
Meanwhile, moments before a World Series game was set to begin, a longtime Major League Baseball umpire threatened to
buy an AR-15 and join a civil war if Mr Trump is impeached.
Rob Drake wrote his threat on Twitter, then deleted it.
"I will be buying an AR-15 tomorrow, because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL (sic) WAR!!! #MAGA2020," he wrote. "You can't do an impeachment inquiry from the basement of Capital(sic) Hill without even a vote! What is going on in this country?"
On TruNews, Mr Wiles added that "if they get away this, there's no country left. It's done. It's finished."
The comments follow Mr Wiles' legacy of far-right conspiracy, anti-semitism and discrimination against LGBT people, from calling former President Barack Obama a "demon from hell" to calling Jews the "antichrist" and suggesting that 2017's devastating floods in Houston, Texas were God's punishment for the city's LGBT population.
In 2018, Mr Wiles predicted that a "leftist mob" led by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow would decapitate Mr Trump and his family on the White House lawn.
Following Mr Trump's departure, the country will be "plunged into darkness" which Democrats brought "upon themselves because they won't back off," Mr Wiles said.
He added: "They won't let the people express their views. They voted for Donald Trump, they wanted Donald Trump, but they said, 'No, you're stupid, you're racist, you're bigots, we're not going to allow your vote to count.' And they've waged war against those people now for three years."
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Hitler did not orchestrate the holocaust all by himself and I am convinced if the Jews could go back in time they would preemptively kill shit talking Nazis. We can blame Trump until we are blue in the face for the mess we are in but until we wake up to the fact that Trump, like Hitler is merely a symptom of the depravity of large groups of depraved people we will continue to miss the point and end up like the millions of holocaust victims which included 6 million Jews and millions of others.
Keep a list of every right wing shit talker you know so when the time comes you can either turn them in or if need be you can put their lights out before they harm innocent people.
If you would like to pay Sick Rick and his mad dogs a visit you can find him at 9045 Americana Way Vero Beach Florida or at 2355 82nd Avenue Vero Beach Florida. Just remember to turn the other cheek. Look how well that worked out for the Jews and the early Christians who were fed to the lions in the Roman Coliseum or the 80 million Hindus who were died at the hands of Muslims. Be peaceful because violence never solved anything accept when police charge into gunfire and kill a gunman who is shooting up a school, or violence used against Southern slavery supporting traitors leading to the ending of slavery is the savage South or ending the holocaust or defeating ISIS, Hamas, or creating America. Just because the purge of Nazis in Germany after WW-2 cured and fascists in Italy cured those those countries of evil, it doesn't mean it will work here. Just accept the fascism and then whine about it. Look how well that strategy worked worked for the victims of the genocides of Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot. Great is your reward in heaven. Caveat: Only if you are a Christian who hates Jews, LGBTQ folks, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, Sikhs, or anyone else who does not roll around on the floor, babble in tongues is born again and a first rate hypocrite and liar will you be saved from eternal damnation.

In all seriousness, if you follow this loon Rick Wiles and somebody bashes your brains in with a baseball bat, you earned every bone smashing skull fracturing blow.