What's our next move?
What counter terrorism techniques can we employ?
Do we rely on the government to keep us safe? Remember, when seconds count the cops are minutes away.
Should we avoid stores, theaters, malls, concert, schools, houses of worship etc..?
Should we abandon our gay and non white friends to avoid being in the line of fire?
Should we go on offense or should we hide?
Should we terrorize the people and organizations responsible or would that make it worse?
I will not appease these terrorists and I will not abandon my non white friends. I will not bow to their tyranny and terrorism. I will follow Presidents Bush 1 and Bush 2 Obama's lead and work to rid the world of tyrants and terrorists. I will fight terrorist organizations such as the NRA, KKK, Proud Boys and today's GOP. I will work to shut down and monkey wrench terrorist propaganda sites and trolls.
I would urge you all to turn in anyone who espouses racist and Nazi views or flies the Confederate swastika. For now I will confront racists and I will punk them and provoke them into attacking me so that I can legally dispatch them. I will continue to surveil and report terrorists and anyone who supports or defends fascism.
If you want to be an asshole and claim that they have a right to free speech you are for them and you are against their victims. There very presence is their speech which is their intent. You know what their intent is. In case you want to equivocate and intellectualize what their intent may be, I will leave you with some evidence from their forebears. What they want and what they will do is who they are. And any time they attack one American they attack America. They are the enemy whether are firing their assault weapons or spreading lies and propaganda.

It has already started!
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