When you say "the government" don't you realize that the "government" serves the corporations? In 2004 Ron Paul called that corporatism and soft fascism. He was right but now the fascism is not so soft.
The word is Kayfabe. Kayfabe is an old pro wrestling term which means "the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic". Do you honestly think people's political beliefs have any affect on what happens in the US? Do you think anyone's petitioning of the government at the state or federal level actually does any good?
Here is how it works. We are the wrestling fans and the wrestling promoters have 2 heels trying to win over the fans. Politics in the US are as fake as WWE with few exceptions.
Here's proof. The Bible Belt votes Republican. The Bible Belt has the highest murder rates, highest teen pregnancy rates, highest divorce rates, highest lung cancer rates, highest opioid addiction highest obesity rates and lowest life expectancies. Do you think that their elected officials give a rat's ass about them?
"Hey Senator Graham, the citizens of South Carolina have a horrible quality of life compared to those liberals in the Northeast. What are you going to do about it?" Crickets....
E-mail Senator Graham - Lindsey Graham
When you say government do you mean agencies like the FDA that are run by the medical and food global corporations like Glaxo-Smith-Kline and Monsanto? Were you aware that the medical industry in the US is 20% of our GDP? Do you think maybe now that corporations are people that they may have a little more influence on the direction of this country than us peasants?
Left vs right is KAYFABE and you and most other Americans have fallen for the hoax!
nothing new here, move along boys and girls.