Monday, January 14, 2019

Cops and Judges are Sleazy Bastards

Hate Liberty? Support Blue Isis - Demotivational Poster

We live in scary times where corporations and government are pretty much the same entity to which the rule of law no longer applies. Our police are now flying the black and blue flag with the a blue line on it to let people know that they are above the law and  above the peasants.

American peasants remain in a concrete cages with the bogus assumption of innocence as his rights are suspended. Only their feckless lawyers are allowed to discuss their cases as per jail policy which "Trumps" the first amendment. 

Our incarceration system is an industry as we continue to incarcerate more peasants than China most of whom have committed no crimes or victimless crimes.

Prolonged detentions are common. 

No knock raids are common as corrupt feckless judges help Blue ISIS terrorize the peasants.

Tyrants in black robes instruct juries to up hold the law but not question the law even if the laws and the punishments are draconian, unlawful and unjust. 

Lying whore Judge Jeanine Pirro, a criminal, a scumbag, propagandist a traitor and a liar has not been disbarred even though she belongs in a cage for life. Rich people are above the law unless they harm other rich people.

Civil forfeitures are common and highway men with costumes and badges are allowed to  stop and rob anyone of cash and property.

The 4th amendment is all but gone.

Exercising the 1st amendment can get you thrown into a cage by Blue ISIS 

The unregulated Medical Mafia can steal, kill and maim with immunity.

Lying is protected speech and truth telling can get you thrown into a cage. 

The ACLU is no more.

PERFECT! Trump, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Putin have won. I think it is time to start using the constitution for toilet paper be cause that's all it worth. 

The SCOTUS is infested with fascists and liars. 

See the source image

Corporations now have the rights that citizens once had and are automatically immune from prosecution.

The fascists have won. 

Oh Canada I stand on guard for thee.

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