Why Trump Supporters Should Be Disarmed
As I have said before, a well regulated militia does not mean that every nut should have a gun. A lot of nuts have guns and most Trump supporters are nuts and therefore not qualified to have guns.
This is not about gun control, it's about asshole control and protect good people from bad people.
A sane person would say, that mental patients should not have guns but a mental patient aka a Trump supporter would quote part of the 2nd amendment that says, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed" and leave out the rest. In addition to Trump's mob being malignantly delusional, they are also too mentally and morally defective to be trusted with guns or sharp objects for that matter. Trump supporters fall into the following categories: mental patients, alcoholics, med heads, opiate addicts, meth heads, emotional thinkers, and wife beaters. A sane person would say that mental patients, alcoholics, med heads, opiate addicts, meth heads, pill heads and wife beaters cannot be trusted with guns. A crazy person aka, a Trump supporter would again quote part of the 2nd amendment and say, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed". They pose to great of a danger to be trusted with firearms. There is no arguing that.
When you consider what an assault rifle is you should then think about the moral character and the motives of anyone who would even consider owning one. Assault rifles are not ideal for hunting and they are poor choice for self defense. They are ideal for killing human beings inside enclosed areas and on the battle field. That is there purpose and when someone owns one, they have announced their intent, desires and purpose. It's like when some racist Southerner flies the Confederate battle flag and calls it heritage when he and everyone else knows he's celebrating slavery, segregation and treason. Bless his heart. There are currently 3,750,000 assault rifles in the US today in civilian hands.
When you consider what an assault rifle is you should then think about the moral character and the motives of anyone who would even consider owning one. Assault rifles are not ideal for hunting and they are poor choice for self defense. They are ideal for killing human beings inside enclosed areas and on the battle field. That is there purpose and when someone owns one, they have announced their intent, desires and purpose. It's like when some racist Southerner flies the Confederate battle flag and calls it heritage when he and everyone else knows he's celebrating slavery, segregation and treason. Bless his heart. There are currently 3,750,000 assault rifles in the US today in civilian hands.

Trump supporters not only lack the intellect to be responsible gun owners, they also lack emotional maturity to be trusted with anything more powerful than a squirt gun. Essentially, they are children in big fat bloated adult bodies who are being lead by a cranky bully with the emotional maturity of a four year old child with ADHD,
Look at these stupid fat fuckers!
Trigger Warning to Trumptards! FACTS AHEAD!
You turds are mental midgets and baby men. You losers in Trump country have less education, less income, smaller dicks, lower IQs, more divorces, more teen pregnancies, lower life expectancy, more poverty, more homicides, more gun deaths more smoking, more cancer than normal people.

Those childish losers want their guns but they don't care about the rights of others such as the right for people to be safe from crazy sub humans such as Dylan Roof as well as the right for our police not to become victims of their weapons of war as they are duty bound charge into hails of brutal gunfire tying to stop one of those sickos from massacring elementary school kids.

Keep smoking and burning coal you irresponsible losers.

Clearly, Trump Country dwellers are not mature or responsible enough to be trusted with guns other than squirt guns. They need to be disarmed because next time it may be a small army of them attack is school or a mall. They will be seething with anger when Trump loses.
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