It's common knowledge that most pedophiles are Republicans and most Republicans are pedophile enablers like Mike Huckabee are pedophiles and pedophile enablers. Rudy Giuliani is no exception. Pedophiles are notorious liars and Giuliani is a notorious liar. Anyone who would rape a child would betray his country. Anyone who would betray his wife would betray his country. Rudy betrayed three of his wives. Giuliani betrayed his country.

Rudy Giuliani’s Wife Just Exposed His Sex Scandal at the ...
Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side
(Yes, that is a real picture of Giuliani in women's clothes. He has appeared in drag many times.) Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way.
(Yes, that is a real picture of Giuliani in women's clothes. He has appeared in drag many times.) Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way.
Giuliani's Pedophile Sex Ring Connection - The Constantine ...
Republican presidential candidate Rudolph W. Giuliani has close ties to a Catholic priest accused of sexually molesting boys and who also was the lawyer for a now-closed Whitinsville counseling house for troubled priests that has been described as the center of a pedophile sex ring. Monsignor Alan J ...
Republican presidential candidate Rudolph W. Giuliani has close ties to a Catholic priest accused of sexually molesting boys and who also was the lawyer for a now-closed Whitinsville counseling house for troubled priests that has been described as the center of a pedophile sex ring. Monsignor Alan J ...
Alex Constantine's Blacklist: Giuliani's Pedophile Sex ...
Apr 20, 2009 · Republican presidential candidate Rudolph W. Giuliani has close ties to a Catholic priest accused of sexually molesting boys and who also was the lawyer for a now-closed Whitinsville counseling house for troubled priests that has been described as the center of a pedophile sex ring.
Rudy Giuliani's confidante and partner: a pedophile priest
Aug 11, 2007 · Rudy Giuliani's confidante and partner: a pedophile priest Rudy Giuliani has long been accused of not having exactly the finest circle of friends. We all know by now about Bernard Kerik, the former police commissioner with ties to organized crime, about whom Giuliani was briefed in 2000 before he became police commissioner and decided to let it go.
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