Thursday, January 31, 2019

Everybody Must Get Roger Stoned

See the source image

Everybody Must Get Roger Stoned

Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good
They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home
Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone

But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get Roger Stone

Well, they'll stone ya when you're up there in Trump Tower
They'll stone ya when you're talkin to Russian agents for 3 hours
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' on the floor
They'll stone ya when you're paying off Trump's whore

But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get Roger Stone

They'll stone ya when you're lying to the FBI
They'll stone ya when to congress you do lit
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to make a buck
They'll stone ya even for the dick you suck

Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get Roger Stone

Well, they'll stone you when try to blow your wad
Then they'll stone you for treason at the firing squad
They'll stone you when you're riding in a cop car
They'll stone you when you're with the D.A.R.

Yes, but I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get Roger Stone

Well, they'll stone you when you're in your prison cell.
They'll stone you when you're on your way to hell
They'll stone you cause you when you do not behave
They'll stone you as they piss upon your grave

But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get Roger Stone

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Republican Base Are Racists and Liars

More evil than Trump are the trash that votes for Republicans.

It is undeniable! Anyone who would be part of a party with so many racists has to be a hypocrite at best and more likely than not a racist. They will lie and say that they are not racists but they are and they know it. If you see some jerk off wearing a MAGA hat, you are seeing a racist. Don't try to convince yourself that they are simply confused. Don't be that naive.

But it's worse. If someone wants to be a racist it is their right. That doesn't mean that we should not ridicule them or punk them, we should. The worse part about the Republican base is that most of them are dangerous and traitorous liars. While we can tolerate their rights to their beliefs we should never tolerate racism but worse than their racist beliefs is their lying.

Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars. I will say it again. Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars. It bears repeating. Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars. One more time... Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars.

Republicans are liars because they hate the truth. Republicans are racists because they are xenophobes. Liars lie and Republicans love to lie.

Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars. I will say it again. Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars. It bears repeating. Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars. One more time... Republicans are racists and Republicans are liars.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Collusion and Lies In the Post Truth Era: Trump In His Own Words

 Like his depraved supporters, Trump is a liar and a traitor and that is why people call him Traitorous Trump or Treasonous Trump.

You may be wondering how many times Trump has lied. Trump Has Lied Nearly 2,000 Times During His First Year in Office. Over the past 347 days, President Trump has lied to or intentionally misled the public a staggering 1,950 times, according to The Washington Post’s fact checker.

 Keeping up with Trump's lies requires a army of fact checkers in the post truth era. The above video concentrates of Trump's lies regarding his collusion with the Russians. More Trump Lies CLICK HERE!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The American Kayfabe

When you say "the government" don't you realize that the "government" serves the corporations? In 2004 Ron Paul called that corporatism and soft fascism. He was right but now the fascism is not so soft.

The word is Kayfabe. Kayfabe is an old pro wrestling term which means "the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic". Do you honestly think people's political beliefs have any affect on what happens in the US? Do you think anyone's petitioning of the government at the state or federal level actually does any good? 

Here is how it works. We are the wrestling fans and the wrestling promoters have 2 heels trying to win over the fans. Politics in the US are as fake as WWE with few exceptions. 

Here's proof. The Bible Belt votes Republican. The Bible Belt has the highest murder rates, highest teen pregnancy rates, highest divorce rates, highest lung cancer rates, highest opioid addiction highest obesity rates and lowest life expectancies. Do you think that their elected officials give a rat's ass about them? 

"Hey Senator Graham, the citizens of South Carolina have a horrible quality of life compared to those liberals in the Northeast. What are you going to do about it?" Crickets....

Lindsey Graham is getting too many bribes from big pharma to sponsor meaningful legislation to curb smoking, opiate addiction and obesity. He knows the answers are simple. Ban tobacco, jail doctors and big pharma executives and subsidize tobacco farmers to grow healthy food. 

E-mail Senator Graham - Lindsey Graham

When you say government do you mean agencies like the FDA that are run by the medical and food global corporations like Glaxo-Smith-Kline and Monsanto? Were you aware that the medical industry in the US is 20% of our GDP? Do you think maybe now that corporations are people that they may have a little more influence on the direction of this country than us peasants? 

Left vs right is KAYFABE and you and most other Americans have fallen for the hoax! 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sleazy Bastard Donald Trump

There may be sleazier bastards than Trump but I don't know about them. Trump has a lot of names. He is know in many circles as Conald Trump and others know him as Trumple Thinskin. I call him the Orange Menace and t-Rump while others refer to him as Twittler or Tweetie Bird. Some people simple call him that treasonous con man while others call him Putin's puppet.

Vets and active members of the military refer to him as Cadet Bone Spurs and the Orange Draft Dodger. Other folks refer to Trump as a racist, misogynist and pedophile.

People in the legal and criminal justice field refer to him as a suspect, a spy, a Russian asset, and a traitor.  Soon they will be referring to his as the defendant and then a convict Trump and inmate Trump.

It call comes down to this. How many ways can you say fuck you Trump?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Love Tyranny? Support Blue Isis - Demotivational Poster

It's disgraceful that the American police are allowed to desecrate Old Glory. This sinister symbol is now replacing the American flag with a flag known as the Blue ISIS flag.

The blue line flag has no place in America!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Walmart and Cops Cripple Disabled Veteran

 Blue ISIS Strikes Again 

 In this video, we have a disabled veteran attacked by the Muskogee Oklahoma Police Department for standing up for his rights. Jason was at Walmart trying to purchase champagne for New Year's Eve. His wife did not have her ID with her and Walmart wanted her identification as well. Jason said he was the one purchasing the alcohol and she did not need to identify.

Walmart ultimately refused to sell the champagne to him. Jason asked for a copy of the policy and they claimed they were going to get it. They actually called the police. From what I've gathered the manager that Jason encountered has a history of calling the police on people in an attempt to get them arrested for things that aren't warranted.

If any of what you are about to see upsets you, all the contact info is in the description. Please, let them know how you feel.

Walmart 1000 W. Shawnee st Muskogee, OK 74401 918-687-0058 Walmart manager: Jennifer 

Muskogee Police 112 S. 3rd St. Muskogee, OK 74401 918-683-8000

Officers & Badge Numbers Philpot #516 Wilkins #524 Rochel (??) #518 Schultz #515

Hate Liberty? Support Blue Isis - Demotivational Poster

Cops and Judges are Sleazy Bastards

Hate Liberty? Support Blue Isis - Demotivational Poster

We live in scary times where corporations and government are pretty much the same entity to which the rule of law no longer applies. Our police are now flying the black and blue flag with the a blue line on it to let people know that they are above the law and  above the peasants.

American peasants remain in a concrete cages with the bogus assumption of innocence as his rights are suspended. Only their feckless lawyers are allowed to discuss their cases as per jail policy which "Trumps" the first amendment. 

Our incarceration system is an industry as we continue to incarcerate more peasants than China most of whom have committed no crimes or victimless crimes.

Prolonged detentions are common. 

No knock raids are common as corrupt feckless judges help Blue ISIS terrorize the peasants.

Tyrants in black robes instruct juries to up hold the law but not question the law even if the laws and the punishments are draconian, unlawful and unjust. 

Lying whore Judge Jeanine Pirro, a criminal, a scumbag, propagandist a traitor and a liar has not been disbarred even though she belongs in a cage for life. Rich people are above the law unless they harm other rich people.

Civil forfeitures are common and highway men with costumes and badges are allowed to  stop and rob anyone of cash and property.

The 4th amendment is all but gone.

Exercising the 1st amendment can get you thrown into a cage by Blue ISIS 

The unregulated Medical Mafia can steal, kill and maim with immunity.

Lying is protected speech and truth telling can get you thrown into a cage. 

The ACLU is no more.

PERFECT! Trump, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Putin have won. I think it is time to start using the constitution for toilet paper be cause that's all it worth. 

The SCOTUS is infested with fascists and liars. 

See the source image

Corporations now have the rights that citizens once had and are automatically immune from prosecution.

The fascists have won. 

Oh Canada I stand on guard for thee.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Trump's Lies About The Wall: A Wall Is Now a Fence


Trump's lies about the wall included saying that the wall would be built using pre-stressed concrete panels 30' tall.
40' extension ladder

Now Trump's wall is a fence made out of metal. If liar Trump were to have his 2000 mile 30' tall fence built is would require more steel than in all of America's aircraft carriers.
Concrete Prototypes for Trump's wall

Trump ordered prototypes built for his asinine wall. Most were made of concrete.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Sleazy Music Industry

The criminals running the music industry today is why music sucks and artists are starving.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Fat People Are Often Sleazy Bastards

Fat People are often sleazy bastards. Think about it. Fat people put their lust for food above all else. Consider the fact that Trump, Chris Christie, Kim Jung Un and Sarah Huckabee are fat slobs and sleazy bastards.

Your run of the mill glutton is being encouraged and enabled by the corporate food and corporate medical industry but that doesn't excuse their unbridled food lust and their complete disregard for their loved ones and social responsibility.

Ask a glutton what they love more, their kids or their food and they will lie and tell you that they love their kids more. They would be lying. If they their kids meant more to them gormandizing they would not be fat. When you ask them if their alleged inability to maintain a healthy was a matter of can't or won't they will attack you with nearly as much ferocity as they would attack a bag of Doritos and sour cream and onion dip.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Syracuse Cops and St Joseph's Hospital Anally Rape Black Man

When it comes to sleazy bastards, the American Medical industry and their White Coat Mafia members aka medical doctors take win the gold medal for sleaze. While their is a huge racist component to this, what the Blue ISIS members and the White Coat Mafia did to the victim can happen to any American.
Watch The Video and Then Take Action 

The judge and the cops involved need to be thrown in cages and the filthy greedy hospital needs to be call flooded. St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center 18 Yelp reviews 301 Prospect Ave, Syracuse · (315) 448-5111 Phone number (315) 703-2138 Give that filthy hospital a review.

St Joseph's is part of Trinity Health and Trinity Health are greedy medical gangsters. Trash Saint Joseph's Hospital On Yelp!

Review St Josephs on Rate MDs and include a link to this article.

Contact Syracuse Police and express your outrage. Here are some more guilty parties that need to be contacted and publicly shamed.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Address: 240 E Onondaga St, Syracuse, NY 13202 - Phone: (315) 422-7203

City of Syracuse - Office of the Mayor · Phone  (315) 448-8005
233 E Washington St Ste 203, Syracuse, NY 13202

Here is a list of the thugs who run St Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse