Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Doctors Are The Sleazy Bastards Who Killed Prince

A couple years after doctors killed Prince they killed Tom Petty. But this is about Prince. Like Tom Petty, Prince suffered chronic hip pain. Botched surgery helped to kill Prince by getting him addicted to dangerous synthetic opioid drugs. I too suffer from chronic pain and I to have been prescribed opiates for pain. Opiates work well for short term pain relief but after only a few doses you need more to get the same analgesic effect. Luckily for me, I have never trusted doctors or their sleazy industry. They don't call the medical industry the medical mafia for nothing.

Like me and other pain patients Prince was probably initially prescribed Vicodin (hydrocodone) tablets that contain Tylenol (acetaminophen) Luckily for me the Tylenol in the hydrocodone that I was given was often contaminated with mold or formaldehyde and it would make me sick to my stomach so I would often avoid it and get drunk instead. Sometimes I would even resort to huffing ether but most of the time I suffered.

Like so many others, Prince trusted doctors who downplayed the dangers of opiates. Doctors get perks and kickbacks for prescribing drugs. It's pretty much bribery and it comes in many forms.

Just like with other patients, doctors didn't care about Prince Nelson. His wonderful music probably didn't reach most of them on any level. They were probably jealous of the fact that Prince was a multi-millionaire and they were merely millionaires.

The greedy drug industry didn't think that codeine, dilaudid and morphine was enough for pain so they started prescribing Fentanyl. What they really thought is that the patents ran out on natural opiates. Big pharma's greed kicked in and they started pushing Fentanyl to their low level dealer known as the White Coat Mafia. While Fentanyl and morphine are both opioids, the primary difference between the two is that morphine is a naturally occurring, plant-based substance, were as fentanyl is entirely synthetic. Fentanyl is also significantly more potent, roughly 100 times stronger than morphine.

Prince was a victim of failed hip surgery and poor and callous pain management. Greedy doctors killed Prince.

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