Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The American Oligarchs and Their Orgy of Theft

The above article will provide a great deal of insight into how the US became an oligarchy. If the morons on the right had enough brain cells to understand that the people they support are the same people who are ruining their lives the oligarchs will lose. 

The oligarchs are controlling the narrative when they redefined the word liberal. If you compare what a so called American liberal believes to that of what a European moderate believes, we are actually center-right when we should be center left and left and conservatives should be center right and right. The oligarchs have redefined liberalism and now all a liberal is is some who understands the facts and is honest. What we as the real moral majority have been relegated to is fact checking and busting the lies of the MAGAts. People on the right have never been paragons of virtue but now Hillary's words ring truer than every. The right and the far right truly is deplorable but beyond that most of them have no core beliefs. Newt Gingrich said of Romney, "Hes a liar and he has no core." Newt is a liar who would know a liar and he was right in saying Romney has no core. Trump has a rotten core of And Randianism and insatiable greed. 

We peasants are being fed the belief that the value of a person depends on the size of their bank account. The low functioning dimwits on the right will never achieve much financially and they blame the imaginary "leftists" for the fact that their lives suck and the fact that we are more prosperous than them. As a result they vote for Republicans who are their oppressors. The most impoverished states are in Trump country.

See the source image
They are angry, clueless and dangerous. Is it any wonder for why Trump loves the poorly educated?

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