Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Joe Walsh Can Beat Trump

  • Joe Walsh to mount primary bid against 'absolutely unfit' Trump and maybe mount Melania

  • Joe Walsh is almost as shit house crazy as Trump and knowing that, can crazy Joe Walsh out crazy Trump? 

  • There are still a lot of tea baggers out there who love him and I'm not just talking about closet gay Republicans who rub their nut sacks on little boys. Joe Walsh is probably not pedophile and even though Republican voters prefer pedophile and will hold that against him, he's still a crazy talking a fool and quite a good liar. Republican voters love crazy talking fools and liars. 

  • Governor Bill Weld a sane Republican will siphon all the of sane votes away from Trump in all the blue states leaving room for Walsh or Sanford steal states. Mark Sanford who is womanizing scumbag, man whore and traitor could siphon away a significant percentage of the vote from Trump. Jeff Flake will win Arizona and maybe good portion of the South West. Arizona voters hate Trump with a passion and for good reason

Walsh will in Illinois and maybe parts of the Midwest. Weld may win the Northeast where there are still a lot of sane Republicans.  Because none of the primary candidates can match the sheer depravity and vulgarity of Trump, only Trump will carry the Bible Belt but he may not take Florida and Flake could take Texas. 

Even if Trump manages to win the primary, his opponents will shred him in the debates, especially that crazy venomous bastard Joe Walsh who can slice and dice even better than Trump and is no slouch when it comes to lying. They don't call Joe Walsh crazy Joe Walsh for nothing. If he gets his Irish up he may even step across the stage and knock the crap of that that fat orange gas bag. Since Republican voters have less sophistication than juvenile pro wrestling fans and good beat down could turn Walsh from a heel to a baby face. I pro wrestling terms, a stunt like that could put him over with the "fans".

  • Former Congressman Joe Walsh announces 2020 GOP primary challenge against President Trump

    KABC – Los Angeles
  • Meet Joe Walsh: The New Never Trump Candidate

    The National Interest
  • Joe Walsh Says He's Running Against Trump for President

  • Ex-Rep. Joe Walsh making longshot GOP challenge to Trump

    Associated Press

    Will if come down to Sanford or Walsh?

    Sanford gets high points for sexual depravity but when it comes to lying he's slightly better that Walsh. A strike Sanford is that he knows how to govern and he's not shit house rat crazy. Republican voters hate competent politicians who talk about real issues but they love crazy talk and when it comes to crazy talk Walsh is the clear winner. If he can manage to have some rape or child molestation charges against him, along with some financial fraud and treason that will go a long way to earn the pedigree required by today's Republican voters.  As bleak as it sound for Sanford all hope is not lost. Mark Sanford may hold the "Trump" card and I mean that literally. Sanford is no one trick pony. Mark Sanford is embroiled in financial fraud right up to his beady little eyes but it get better, it's with the Russians!! I shit you not. Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell are not the only Republicans mobbed up with Russia and selling out America. Crazy Joe Walsh has nothing in his past as felonious and traitorous Mark Sanford. A financial and a Russian scandal is so deliciously Trumpian, Republican voters will eat it up like hungry swines at the political slop troth. 

    You may think that Trump as the edge in insults but while Trump's insult are stupid and vulgar, Joe Walsh's are stinging and nearly as powerful and more witty on a sophomoric level. If he appears smart than Trump, that's because he is. Time will tell how that will play with the base. I suspect that the Sanford's wit will score with Republicans in the blue states but it will go over the heads of those in the Red states. 

    Mark Sanford invested in alleged fraud run by man linked ...

    Apr 17, 2019 · Former South Carolina governor and congressman Mark Sanford invested money with a man now accused of fraud totaling $2.3 million. The same man was previously linked to a Russian agent who also met Sanford.

    Trump faces no real challenge from Flake or Weld because both Flake and Weld are sane, experienced, patriotic and moral. Republican voters don't want that. But.. they both can soften up Trump for  Sleazy Mark Sanford and Crazy Joe Walsh.

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