Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Spay and Neuter Trump Supporters

Trump supporters and the Republican base in general is more vile, depraved and evil than most people realize. People chalk it up to, poor education, ignorance, low IQ, Fox News and other right wing propaganda. While all that plays a role, these scumbags were simply no good to the moment they slithered out of their mother's fuck hole. 

Depravity is often genetic. These subhumans should not be allowed to breed and the sooner they die, the better all decent people will be. We can't allow this trash to procreate. We tolerated them for far too long. President Lincoln should have dropped the hammer on them at the end of the Civil War. Humans have culled animals for 1000's of years and with good results. We turned the wolf into useful and safe breeds of dogs. Trump supporters come from the shallow end of the gene pool. Pour in some Clorox!



  1. Spay & Neuter with rusty instruments. To do anything else would be a crime against humanity.

  2. I sent a similar message to Cuomo and I spoke to him like a native New Yorker and I will speak to you a bit like a native New Yorker.

    Trump and the feds could fuck up a one man parade and they are fucking up the vaccine roll out. Getting a vaccine in an arm is not brain surgery.

    The FDA is mobbed up with big pharma and they will make windfall profits on this crises. Moderna and Pfizer are a bunch of criminal price gouging rat bastards. Their overpriced vaccines require impossibly low temperatures. The Oxford Astra Zenica vaccine is easy to make, safe and easy to store and can be made in North Carolina. There is no fucking patent on it and the people who run Oxford Astra Zenica aren't members of the corporate criminal elite bastard whose sole purpose in life is to become more obscenely rich every second.

    Buy the fucking Asta Zenica vaccine and get in arms. You can also have it made. It's 2 bucks a dose. That's chump change! Don't fuck around! Make the rich cough up 10 or 12 million to pay for it

    The feds will continue to fuck up and Biden probably won't be able to straighten it out anytime soon.

    Americans deserve a choice. If some asshole refuses the vaccine, let him suffer the consequences. Right now American have two choices and both are an RNA vaccines. While it is theoretically safe it was made by rat bastards. The Oxford Astra Zenica vaccine uses tried and true technology and is more effective and offers long lasting immunity.

  3. Any non MAGAt is able to safely administer a vaccine. One person on foot can administer 100 vaccines in 8 hours. Retired nurses and diabetics can be deployed now to walk through neighborhoods knocking on door and jabbing arms. NC could have herd immunity in a month.


    MAGAts will probably attack Raleigh. Don't waste this opportunity to purge the gene pool. MAGAts are enemy combatants and should be treated as such. They have declared war on the USA. Draw them in and lay waste to them. They will be there to kill you Roy. There is no reason not to shoot everyone of them. We are at war. They are the enemy.

    Less MAGAts mean, less anarchy, less crime, less dead humans and a better society.

    Detain indefinitely the ones who surrender because they are POWs and are no longer protected by American law. Their trials should be by military tribunal and executions by firing squad should not be off the table. 

    Enemy Combatant: Captured fighter in a war who is not entitled to prisoner of war status because he or she does not meet the definition of a lawful combatant as established by the Geneva convention; a saboteur. They have declared war and their command and control are Trump, members of the Trump Whitehouse members of the US House and Senate, and members of Trump's legal team such as Lin Wood and Rudy Giuliani.

    Trump wants a military tribunal for Brad Raffensperger. His MAGAt mob would kill the the VP if given the chance because they are too ignorantly evil to want to know that Pence had no other choice and there was nothing he could do to stop the certification. Is it moral to allow these animals to breath the same air as humans? Is it? We are at war with enemy President Washington warned us about. The US can defeat any army on earth in less than 6 months but how will we defeat this enemy if we show it softness?

    Trumpism is a cancer that must be removed before any healing can happen. Start the process. When the MAGAts show up with their weapons of war hit them with everything you have from chemicals, to bullets. Don't even try to deescalate because it won't work and it will only cost human lives. The goal should be to protect the protectors who protect We the People and our institutions. Dead and maimed MAGAts will serve as a stark warning to the remaining MAGAts to never commit acts of treason again and never place a criminal or party over country.

    The mop up will involve rooting out of MAGAts by the NSA and FBI. We also need to look closely into the background of cops and heads of police unions. Lot's of MAGAts there. As you know some cops were complicit in the storming of our Capitol.

    If you follow my vaccine advice, deployment can target areas with more humans than MAGAts. This is not a WWJD thing. This is a what would William Tecumseh Sherman or Colin Powell would do thing. We are at war. Cut it off and kill it and punish it.
