Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Traitors Should Be Executed

Traitors present an even greater threat than enemy combatants and foreign enemies because they are nearly impossible to defend against. After convicted in a court or by military tribunal, a traitor should then be thoroughly interrogated and then publicly executed by the most gruesome means.


As it stands today, there needs to be mass executions starting at the highest levels and moving down to the lowliest right wing internet troll. Had President Lincoln finished the job during the occupation a large percentage of the racist gene would have been purged from the gene pool. 

The corporate thugs who have bought our government are guilty of treason and should be executed.

The racist Nazi type weakens America and therefore should be executed. Since the goal of Nazis is to exterminate non white Americans it should be legal to shoot them where ever you find them.

The current Republican leadership is mobbed up with foreign enemies such as the now Russian owned NRA and therefore should be executed for treason. Anyone who does not disavow the NRA is a traitor. 

Unless and until Republican denounce their traitorous party, they should be tried and executed.

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