Thursday, July 4, 2019

Smokers and Big Tobacco Are Sleazy Bastards

When I see some fucking asshole light up a cigarette or vape I want to stomp their face into a bloody pulp until their brain come out their ears and nose. Today people know that tobacco use causes cancer but they take up smoking anyway. People like that should die. While it may be their right to do self harm the rest of us should not be forced to pay for their arrogance and arrogant their assholishness but we do in higher health care costs.

Exploiting these weak minded assholes are the tobacco companies and the medical industry who knew that tobacco was carcinogenic back in 1915 and when they found that out they saw dollar signs. That's right, it was known in 1915 that smoking causes cancer. The medical mafia knew it ans so did  US government officials who were bribed to keep this information from the general public.

We can't leave God out of this for creating tobacco, a vile an addictive weed. So fuck you God!

There are anti-smoking advertisements and then there’s this anti-tobacco sign from 1915 that’s basically a mic drop on anyone trying to light up in this Illinois town. Although people have been using tobacco for generations, the adverse effects of smoking and chewing have been well documented going back for quite some time.
We tend to think that people only got hip to tobacco's adverse effects in recent years, but it’s clear that at least one small town in Illinois knew exactly how bad cigarettes and smoking are, and they weren’t afraid to tell anyone about it. Which is your favorite part of the sign, the "cut it out, you fool" part, or the use of the word "filthy?"

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