Russia is a shit hole country and there is no arguing that. If the red states were to secede and form a confederacy they would be a shit hole country same as Russia. They would probably call the new confederacy Trumpistan. It would be a shit hole and a huge failure. They would do what the old confederacy did and attack the superior North and they would get soundly defeated just like in the first civil war.
A civil war will give America the opportunity to do what Lincoln should have done and that is purge the population of White trash. The people who inhabit the South are a vastly inferior genetic stock to those who inhabit the blue states. Lincoln's goal was to preserve the Union but Lincoln did not take into account the moral and intellectual inferiority of the White Southerner. Lincoln also neglected the age old sayings, "You can't fix stupid" and "Once a traitor always a traitor." For reconciliation was not successful because the idiots in the South are still fighting the Civil war. They still display their treasonous confederate battle flag. The South still spawns hundreds of racist hate groups and by every measure, many Southerners are are simply no damn good. You can't have a good country with a large percentage of bad people. The time has come to take out the trash and burn it. The sons of the South are the sons of evil. They need to be gone.
The Russian trolls have pointed out a problem that America has ignored for a very long time. The festering boil of racism and slavery needs to be excised because it is poisoning the entire country and the only way to save America is by another civil war in which decent patriotic Americans kill off the morally mentally inferior trash the choose racism, immorality and ignorance over American values. Liberals having more humanity than CONS find violence distasteful but they need to see that oppression and fascism is even more distasteful. Bad people need to be gone. Evil must be defeated and the ends will always justify the means. Evil is an absolute than can not be turned into good. Don't try to intellectualize it and don't over think it. You know what needs to be done and while your at it, thank the Russian trolls for the wake up call.
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