Monday, November 25, 2019

Engage The Enemy: Tactics

Subhuman - Demotivational Poster
I get it. Trump is a lowlife dangerous scumbag but so are his supporters. Trump will be gone soon. He's a sickly fat old bastard but the trash responsible for his rise to power will remain. They don't call Trump's menacing mob MAGAts for nothing. The time has come to take the fight to them and their command and control. It's time to put the boots to all right wing propaganda outlets.

1. Flag all far right comments and Youtubers

2. Accuse all far righties in comment section of being Russian trolls because they are.

3. Go to Trump rallies and video record licence plates and VIN numbers. Have others with camera with you for back up as MAGAts may attack. It is your legal right to photograph everything you see from a public space. Remain silent. That is also your legal right. If you are arrested or detained you will have grounds to sue.

4. You have a right to use a CB (Citizens Band) radio. Sometimes a citizen band radio will inadvertently broadcast over a PA system because it uses the same frequencies as  AM radio. FM signals won't work. This will drive Trump ad his trash wild.

5. Make military style hand signals. This will drive the Trumptard nuts.

6. Speak military jargon into a lapel microphone with ear piece. e.g. "Dagger one to dagger 2 do you copy? Alpha 1 do you copy? Three hostiles identified. Primary extraction point compromised. Copy that. Red team copy. That's a go blue leader. Go to rally point" Do not engage them in a conversation or answer questions. Wear dark glasses. Give descriptions.

Keep in mind, Trump supporting White males are stupid chicken shits. If they think ad organized paramilitary groups in keeping tabs on them they will shit their adult diapers.

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