Sunday, November 17, 2019

Trump's Lying Flying Monkeys

Flying monkeys or apaths, is a term used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse. They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose (e.g smear campaign).

We all recall seeing the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz doing the bidding for the wicked witch. As a kid, I used to think how much fun it would be to take my dad's shotgun and fire into the flock of flying monkey. Am I advocating for people to blast Trump's flying lying monkeys with shot guns? NO!  That said, I personally could not vote to convict anyone who executed one of them. I will not impose my morality on other patriots and besides that it may only make them martyrs. 

Trump's flying lying monkeys are not like the mindless flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz. Trump's flying monkeys also have their own treacherous self serving criminal agendas. Whores such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Jeanine Pirro all have an agenda although there is a distinct possibility that they are owed in some manner by Trump or Putin. Jeanine Pirro's, Sean Hannity's, and Rush Limbaugh's, shady criminal pasts are a matter of public record. 

Read more about Trump's lying flying monkeys here.

See the source image

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