Thursday, November 14, 2019

Republicans Were Not Always Scumbags

Teddy Roosevelt William Howard Taft - Demotivational Poster

William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt were Republicans but they were nothing like the Republicans. These men had honor, courage and they were patriots. They both put America and Americans ahead of corporations. They were what normal people would call progressives and what liars would call leftists. Yes boys and girls, this is not a joke. There really was a time when Republicans were not traitors, liars, crooks, rapists, and pedophiles. I know it sounds like an oxymoron but there really used to be honorable Republicans.

Taft busted over 70 corporate monopolies that were both vertical and horizontal trusts. He kicked the shit out of corporate gangsters which created opportunity for enterprising Americans. Roosevelt busted over 40 trusts. Today, corporations own nearly every Republican so they are now allowed to do what every the fuck they want. The can literally kill you and get away with that. I hate to break it to you kiddies. America is not a democratic Republic, America is now a kleptocratic corpocracy. In other words, America is a nation of sheep, ruled by wolves and owned by pigs like Donald Trump.

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